Alter your hypothetical School Garden:
After working hard on your school garden that has now been in function for many years, a school in Sub-Saharan Africa has reached asking how to make their own. How can you alter your presentation to best help them?
Watch the following three videos about what agriculture looks like, how innovations are being made, and what a school day looks like for someone in Sub-Saharan Africa.
While viewing these videos, take out your school garden project proposal and an extra sheet of paper. Begin taking notes on what you see and hear in these videos:
What do you see as similar or different?
What needs would be different from your own?
How would you alter your school garden?
Craft a 10 slide presentation to showcase your new understanding. Your slideshow should include:
Why you think your school should have a fruit and vegetable garden.
Your map of the school garden and explain why you think that is the best place.
Your list of the best fruits and vegetables to grow in your garden. Include a rationale or reason why you think those are the best vegetables or fruit to grow.
How schools look different in Sub-Saharan Africa.
How you would design your Sub-Saharan African school garden.